The most recent picture of all four of our girlies together. It was the weekend of Erika’s graduation from EOU. A spur of the moment picture, but I love it!
My parent’s pond is gorgeous, lush, and full of critters. They have three different kinds of water lillies, but this one is my favorite. It is so delicate and pretty, I love it!
My most very favorite flower in the whole wide world is the Butterfly Lilly. (I know, great grammar!) Unfortunately, their growing season is very short – probably two weeks at the most. They are also very hard to find because they are wild. On Father’s Day, we drove past some, and I hollered at Aaron to stop so I could take a picture of the Butterfly Lillies. Reagan misheard me, and said, “Butterflies have Boobies?” I had a hard time controling my laughter to explain to her what I had actually said.
Also from graduation weekend, my friend, Kari. Running into each other was completely unexpected, but great, too! It was nice to talk and catch up while we waited for my sister and her brother to graduate (they were both close to the very end).
Reagan is still young enough she won’t want to kill me for posting this picture from Father’s Day. She has such a hard time keeping her pants up because she is so skinny. Even though it’s not a perfect shot, I love the little plumber’s crack peeking out at me. 🙂 She’ll want to kill me for this when she’s a teenager, I know.
Summer has been great, but busy, for us so far, and I can’t believe how quickly it’s going. We are taking our time, enjoying life together, and spending time together. We love it!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”