It seems to be the theme for many families these days – crazy, busy weeks packed with activities and Spring is flying by. Our family is no different, though it is nice that Emma and I are done with track so we can slow down a little.
Thursday night, Reagan had a baseball game, and she did AWESOME! This is her first year ever playing, and we allowed her to skip T-Ball and go straight into Coach Pitch. We are all so very proud of how well she is doing, and how much she is learning. She is having so much fun, and she loves playing!
There is a lot happening on the Tolar Dream Home front, as well. We have spent many hours getting the sprinkler/irrigation system up and running, sheep pens had to be built, landscaping is trudging along slowly but surely, and the weather finally warmed up enough for us to paint the outside of the house. My parents were here all weekend, and we knocked that sucker out! We have just a little bit of trim and just a few loose ends to tie up and the construction will be completely finished! Check out the paint job here.
While the parents and grandparents are painting and it’s hot outside, the kids entertain themselves with water and sand . . .
Also this weekend, the girls’ bought their 4-H lambs and we brought them home. Sugar Daddy (Harley’s), Jumpin’ Jackie Flash (Katelyn’s), and Fluffy (Reagan’s) now have a semi-permanent home (at least until auction at fair) at our property. The girls had a good time picking them out with Big Sister Emma’s help. I think this project will be a *huge* lesson in patience for all of the girls (and their mom, too)!
Finally, all four of our girlies on our front porch with the newly painted siding in the background.
Have a great week!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”