Spring activities have consumed the TOD Household. We haven’t been home before 7:00 p.m. any weeknight over the past two weeks. It’s okay, though – we’re having a BLAST! All three little girlies are busy busy busy with softball (Katelyn & Harley) and coach pitch baseball (Reagan). They are having a great time, working hard, learning a lot, and loving the experience.
Reagan’s friend, Trinity, is on her team. Trinity’s family has a little girl dog, Chloe. Chloe is Tod’s half-sister. They met for the first time at one of Reagan and Trinity’s games, and they had a fabulous time playing together!
Annually Irrigon Jr/Sr High School holds it’s Knight Klean-Up Day. The staff and students venture into the community in the morning to perform various community service activities. In the afternoon, we were visited by the National Guard Chinook Helicopter and Climbing Wall. The students had a great time, and many of them rose above and beyond expectations and surprised us all. I even tried the climbing wall, but I was only able to make it about halfway up before my hands gave up – they just don’t have the strength.
This is Leon. He’s one of our 8th Graders. He’s also one of Emma’s friends – they’ve known each other since Kindergarten. I have the priveledge of coaching him in Junior High Track. He’s one of those “great” kids, and I am really looking forward to seeing what he will accomplish in High School starting next year.
When we moved into our new home, Harley’s bed completely broke. She had been using a day bed that my parents bought for me when I was in Junior High, so it was OLD. She’s been sleeping on just the trundle for the past five months. By being in the right place at the right time, my mom got an INCREDIBLE deal on this daybed and trundle (slept on twice, purchased for $50), and Harley finally has a bed! The extra trundle is going to go under Katelyn’s bed, so they’ll both have an extra bed in their bedrooms. The three little girlies spent the night together on Harley’s new bed this weekend; they loved it!
I received a very nice bouquet of flowers for Secretary’s Day, and this rose was in it. It is the most incredible color of bright yellow to dark orange. GORGEOUS!
Finally, Irrigon’s Prom was April 17. Unfortunately, the Prom King & Queen Crowns and Sashes didn’t arrive until the Monday afternoon after Prom. My favorite Senior Girl (I can get away with calling her my favorite because we’re related!) had been named Prom Queen, and her boyfriend, Pat, was named Prom King. The next Tuesday morning, when I gave them both their crowns, Breena decided she was going to wear it, and wear it, she did. All day long. She is fabulous; love that girl!
I hope when our girlies are her age they are as confident, self-assured, and comfortable in their own skin as she is. I couldn’t have hand-picked a better role model for them!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”