After Katelyn & I got home from Cove during Spring Break, we just kind of hung around the house for a couple of days. Thursday we watched our neice and nephew, Mya & Cade, and they stayed the night. It’s safe to say Aaron & I were pretty tired the next day – we’re not used to waking up in the middle of the night with a baby! 🙂 It was great to have them over, and I am looking forward to doing it again some time.
Friday, after making sure Katelyn’s softball practice was optional, the two of us decided to take a trip to Portland and back. Partially just for fun, and partially with a purpose. Aaron and I have been without a bed since we sold our old one. We still had the mattresses, and we were sleeping on them on the floor, but it was definitely time to replace the old bed. We made the trip to Portland, and I had my first-ever Ikea experience. I am in love with that store. Seriously! I could have filled our whole house with the cool stuff we found there instead of just buying our bed, but I managed to exercise restraint. I’ll post pictures of the new bed on the Tolar Dream Home site later.
I had another “first” experience on our trip, as well. Between Arlington and The Dalles, I saw part of the herd of Big Horn Sheep for the very first time! Of all the thousands of trips I’ve taken through The Gorge, why I was finally seeing them, I don’t know – I’ve been trying forever! The really neat part of it was that they were really close to the road so I was able to get some great pictures of them (after I went down the road and circled back – TWICE)! I was so excited when I saw them that I screamed and scared the daylights out of Katelyn who was on the phone with Aaron at the time. It was pretty funny listening to her explain what was happening.
Just for the sake of the beauty . . . Mt. Hood from The Gorge. GORGEOUS!
We made it home late Friday night, exhausted, but thrilled with the day we had together!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”