It seems as if the past two years of Junior High for Emma have flown by, and it’s hard to believe we’re getting ready for her 8th Grade Graduation. Heppner is one of the few schools around that still celebrates that milestone. The kids have a nice dinner, graduation, and then a semi-formal dance. It is very hard to wrap my head around the realization that I will have a child, little girl, kid, young lady in high school next year!
Saturday marked a huge milestone for Emma and me. It was the first time we’ve gone dress shopping. Emma knew in her mind the kind of dress she wanted – no empire waists, bright colors, NOT black. She was very specific. Jess, Staci, Aaron, and I also had very specific “rules” she had to follow – it couldn’t be too short, it couldn’t look “older” than her, and it couldn’t be strapless. We looked at hundreds of dresses! Many garnered an instant “no way”, some were “maybes”, a lot didn’t come in a small enough size (1), and very few were of the “that could work” variety. We went to every store in the mall, and several away from the mall. Finally, as we walked into David’s Bridal, she saw this dress on the rack and her face immediately lit up! She wasn’t going to even try it because it was a bit above the budget I had given her. After looking in vain at the rest of the store, I finally convinced her to just try it on, and that is when I realized it was strapless. DANG! When she put the dress on, it was like magic – it was just her. After a quick phone call to my mom to verify that we could, in fact add straps to it, we had a dress! It is so pretty, and it really fits her personality. We made one more stop to get the perfect shoes to go with it, and we were done!
I have to say, that for our first experience purchasing this type of dress together, it was awesome! I (we) really are blessed with a beautiful, bright, mature young lady, and I am thrilled she is growing up to be such a classy, loving, graceful, funny, caring, strong person.
Once we got home, we decided to have a little photo shoot with the dress, heels, and hair. She looks absolutely stunning! It’s pretty shocking, though, that when she has heels on, she is as tall as I am – CRAZY!
Of course, when you have four girls in the house and one is having their pictures taken, the others MUST have theirs taken, too! Katelyn, Harley, and Reagan had an impromptu photo shoot right after Emma. For a lazy Saturday hanging around the house and no preparation, they actually look pretty darn good!
We’re heading in to a crazy busy week of softball, coach pitch, JH Track, and a business trip for me. This week will be a crazy ride, but I’m sure it will be a blast! Have a fabulous week!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”