Proud Big Sister
Katelyn had a very big day today. She’s already a big sister to Reagan, but she became a biological big sister for the very first time. Katelyn’s mom had a baby girl this afternoon. As soon as the two of us got out of school today, we went to Hermiston to see the baby. Katelyn got a huge surprise, though, and the baby hadn’t been born yet. She got to stay in the delivery room, hold her mom’s hand, and watch her precious baby sister make her entrance into this world. At first she wasn’t sure she wanted to stay in the room, but she did end up staying, and she did a fabulous job helping! Sharon hasn’t decided on an exact name for the baby yet, but I’m sure by the time Katelyn goes to visit again tomorrow after school, she will have name.
Getting ready to have the baby.
Right after baby was born.
Bits & Pieces
Katelyn is excited to have another sister, and she can’t wait to help her mom take care of her. Congratulations Sharon and Katelyn; she is a beautiful baby girl.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”