This past week was very busy for our family. Not only was it a shorter week than normal because of the President’s Day Holiday, but I had to work both Friday and Saturday at our district wrestling tournament hosted by IHS this year. A short week and an even shorter weekend.
Three of the Irrigon wrestlers are moving on to the State Tournament – Rosario Rios, Giles Ellett, and Wade Aylett, and the Irrigon Team placed third overall! They did an outstanding job, and we are all so very proud of how hard they worked and their achievements! At the tournament, the head coaches vote for their favorite, “outstanding wrestler”, and at the end of the tournament, that wrestler receives a special award. This year, it was awarded to Rosario – and it is so well deserved! The incredible award (piece of artwork) was made by Steve Myren, our local Undersheriff.
So now I am going to get up on my soapbox for a minute. The local paper, The East Oregonian, was at the tournament most of the day yesterday. The reporter even hung around a little extra after the tournament was over to get the final brackets, teams scores, and state tournament qualifiers from me. Today, I very excitedly opened the paper to see what pictures (if any) were in there, and if not, I at least wanted to read all about our boys. NOT. A. SENTENCE. NOT EVEN ONE WORD was written about them. There were plenty of articles about the basketball tournaments, the other local wrestling tournaments, and even State Swimming results. Yet, not one word about Irrigon or the other six hard-working teams of Special District III Wrestling. Amazingly, in Saturday’s paper, they stated that Irrigon and Heppner were wrestling at the District Tournament at Pine Eagle in Halfway. They at least got it half correct – that IS where Heppner was. This seems to be the way the wind blows with the EO and their coverage of Irrigon. It is RARE. It is usually about something negative. IHS athletes and other programs are always passed over. I have seen it many times this year, and I was biding my time to see if it improved. I’m done. I am cancelling my subscription. Fair reporting I thought was objective, not a popularity contest for a good-old-boys clube of towns.
Okay, I’m done ranting.
Tuesday, I went to the girls’ school for an assembly where Reagan was receiving a Student of the Month Award. What was really great about Reagan’s award was that since Harley is the Student Body President, she gets to “run” the assembly. I knew the girls were going to do a cheer with the younger classes at the beginning of the assembly, so I decided to record it. Unfortunately, Harley got a little ahead of herself and misspelled the word “Bobcats” during the cheer. She recovered very gracefully and finished the cheer. It was very funny! Check out the video to see for yourself:
A couple of weeks ago, our staff had a night out bowling. Since Aaron’s foot really isn’t healed, he didn’t feel up to going, so Emma went with me instead. We had a great time, and she had a blast giving her old teachers from Irrigon Elementary School a hard time. Wouldn’t you know it, though, that stinker won a door prize. A really cool one, at that – this Incredible Hulk bowling ball. She doesn’t want to have it drilled out so she can use it, instead, since it matches the colors of her new bedroom, it has become a decoration!
When Emma played at the Helix tournament, I saw this banner hanging on their gym wall. I love it.
And what post would be complete without an updated picture of Tod. He told me the other day he wanted to “sit” for a professional portrait, so we scheduled some time and took some pictures for his modeling portfolio. 🙂
One of the highlights of my week was getting to see my friend, Wanda. I miss seeing her! Joking with her, laughing, venting, and just enjoying what a wonderful person she is. I can’t wait to see her on a daily basis again! I think about her and her husband, Dallas, constantly. The best part of seeing her was that it was after school, and it was a day the girls had ridden the bus to my school instead of home, and they got to see her, too! When they walked in the office door and saw her, I instantly turned into chopped liver, and they both dropped everthing and bolted over to her to get and give great big hugs. They absolutely adore her (can you tell?)! This surprise was the only thing either of them talked about for two days!
We love you, Wanda!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”