Aaron & I had our friends Jason & Yvette, Andrew & Geneva, and their kiddos over for the Superbowl. We had a great time yelling at the TV, booing the bad calls, and eating entirely too much!
I started making food early in the day, and I ended up making WAY too much! Then our friends arrived and brought more food! We feasted like royalty, and I don’t know about anybody else, but I’m positive my pants fit just a little more snugly come Monday morning!
We were all rooting for Kurt Warner and the Arizona Cardinals to win the game. Unfortunately, we were disappointed with the final outcome of the game, but the game itself was thrilling with lots of ups and downs.
You can tell in this picture of Jason, AJ, and Andrew how intense the last 2-1/2 minutes of the game were. Take a close look at AJ – it was a real “nail biter”!
So, eventhough the game didn’t turn out the way any of us wanted it to, we had a great time. It is always wonderful to spend time with friends, especially life-long friends. Aaron and I truly are blessed with the friends we have – new and old, and we are thanful for them every day.
For now, we’ll cross our fingers two the NFLs greatest quarterbacks (Brett Favre and Kurt Warner) decide to play one more year, and we will get to watch them both shine again.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”