This week the IHS Knights Cheerleaders put on a min-cheer camp for elementary-age students. It was the biggest camp yet, with 30 little girlies signed up to particpate – including three little girlies from our household. The girls had a great time all week, and they were so excited to perform today and show off all the moves they learned. They leanred several cheers, a dance, and they even got to learn how to stunt! When all the little girlies showed up at the games today, it was like a sea of red in the stands. In this first picture, only about half of the girls had shown up; by the time they were ready to perform, that whole section of bleacher was red!
The night wouldn’t have been complete without a picture with the new Knight statue (Sir ___________’s name has been chosen, and it will be announced at the last home basketball games of the season this coming Tuesday). Our three beautiful, smiling beauties all set to hype up the crowd with their energy!
Jason & Yvette’s daughter, Lexi, was also part of the camp, and I got this great picture of her.
This is Harley and Reagan’s cousin, Karsyn. Her older sister, Bailey was cheering, too. Isn’t she just squeezably adorable?
During the dance, the bigger girls in the back got to do stunts. Harley and Brenna were the base for Brenna’s sister, Madison. During timeouts and halftime, the girls got to do more cheers and stunts. Even Megan, Katelyn & Harley’s friend, was able to try, even though she hadn’t taken part in the camp. She did GREAT, especially for never having done it before!
Dan & Laura’s son, Brandon, was being a bit of a smart aleck and decided he was enough of a “stud” to try to stunt, too. He was funny, giggling like crazy the whole time. What a trooper!
What would any experience be without your best friend by your side? Reagan and Emma had such a good time, and I love that they have each other as friends.
I took this picture for two reasons. I wanted to show everyone the little design on the back of the girls’ shirts, but I also wanted to have a picture of the back of Reagan’s hair because it took me so long to fix it. Next time I say I’m going to curl her hair in ringlets and put it up like this, I hope Aaron clubs me upside the head!
I was on double duty with both cameras, trying to video with one and take pictures with the other, so this video isn’t the best, but hey, it works. 😉
The girls had an absolute blast, and I am so happy we were able to let them particpate this time (we were too busy with the house construction this summer for them to do the past two camps). They really do enjoy themselves, and we love to watch them!
I am also realizing that this is my third post in a row that follows a “red” theme. Hhhhhhhmmmmmm – it’s a good thing its my favorite color. 🙂

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”