of a scrapbooking paraphernlia addict/hoarder . . .
Is there a 12-step-program for scrapbooking hoarding? Maybe some sort of SH Anonymous meeting I can attend somewhere? How about a pill? Is there medication? Seriously – I completely freaked out when I saw all this stuff spread all out. YIKES!
The last room in our house that needs unpacked and moved into is the office. I have put it off for a very good reason – in order to unpack it and organize it, EVERYTHING had to come out of it into the rest of the house. I didn’t want to make that big of a mess until I had the time to clean it up, which is what I’m dong this weekend.
Part of the office is all of the scrapbooking stuff I have accumulated and hoarded and stored FOREVER. Today, Emma and I sorted through it and divided it into three categories: 1) GET RID OF IT!; 2) Keep for my current projects, and 3) Creative Memories Inventory.
Now that it is sorted, and I know what goes where, I feel much better; however, when we first had it all spread out on the Great Room Floor I was a bit overwhelmed. I also kind of felt guilty because I had all this “stuff” that I wasn’t really doing a whole lot with. Granted, I wasn’t really scrapbooking a lot because we were busy building our house, but a lot of the problem was also that it was too difficult to find the stuff that went to my projects without having to drag it all out. Now that we have it all sorted, it will be much easier to work on my projects.
So – any of you scrapbookers out there, I’m goign to post a link to a gallery of what I have that is in the GET RID OF IT! pile. If you’re interested, make an offer – I’m really not picky, I just WANT IT GONE! You can e-mail me at [email protected], or post a response here.
I’m off to hide in my “can’t believe I have all this stuff” hole.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”