My own version.
Aaron is notorious for NEVER deleting pictures off his memory card, even after it’s been downloaded. So, today, while I was dowloading the pictures from Katelyn’s assembly yesterday, I found some pictures of Tod from when we first got him and some more recent ones from around Christmas-time.
Here he is right after we got him – he was 8 weeks old then. He was also only 7″ tall when sitting – floor to the tip of his ears. He weighed just about 2.5 pounds.
And, here he is now – he is nearly 10 months old, and he is 15 inches – floor to the tip of his ears (he’s full-grown now). He now weighs nearly 7 pounds.
He’s awesome – he has such a wild personality. He loves to be right in the mix of everything, and he can’t stand beling left out. He loves to play fetch, tug-of-war, and he really loves to “rip” around the house like a little wildman! He fits right in with the girls, he’s quite the little socialite!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”