I posted a major update on our Dream Home Blog tonight. The construction process is slowing down – it’s nearly at a stand-still. Not because of any problems or hold-ups, but because we are pretty much done with it! We have several loose ends to tie up, and once they are done my parents will be leaving, taking Luna, and moving back to Cove permanently.
They will be living in their lovely home that they’ve given up for the past seven months to live in a 20-foot camp trailer on our property. Since graduating from High School, I’ve never lived with, or within minutes of, my parents for more than two months at a time (summers home from college, after Emma’s dad and I separated, etc.). Quite frankly, I liked it that way. I liked being close enough to go home when I wanted or needed to, but I liked being far enough away that we weren’t able to just drop in on each other.
I’ve changed my mind.
I don’t want them to go home, even though I know they are ready to go home. I am feeling extremely selfish, and I want to drag the project out just so we can keep them around longer. I can honestly say I am going to be very sad when they do make that final trip home, and I am sure I will be home-sick for them for quite some time. That realization makes me very happy because it means our relationship has grown stronger and closer through this construction process when it could have been tested and strained. I have had a unique opportunity to get to know my parents again; not as Mom and Dad, but rather as Burr and Donna.
More than ever, I am very thankful that we are only a short, two-hour drive away.
For the time-being, I am going to treasure every day of work we have left until they pull up their temporary roots and move back to Trickle Creek Corner and get back to their own lives.
Thank you , Mom and Dad, for everything you’ve ever given me. You two truly are amazing, and I love you very much!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”