Grandma Susan has a beautiful Christmas Village she uses to decorate with every year at Christmas. The girls all love the village, and they talk about the different buildings and people placed in various places around the village. This year, Grandma Susan invited Katelyn and Harley to her house to help her set up the village. Reagan is still a “little too little” to help, and Grandma Susan wanted to make sure she had something fun to do since she wasn’t bigl enough to help with the village. Since I was going to be in Tri-Cities with Emma and her friends for Emma’s birthday, Reagan got to go along with all the “big girls” and have some special time with Mom by herself.
After we dropped Emma, Bailey, and Larissa off at the theatre, we headed to the mall.
First stop? Santa’s Lap! We got to the mall at just the right time, it wasn’t crowded, and we only had to wait in line behind two other sets of kids before it was her turn to talk to Santa. I almost lost it when he asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she replied, “well, we’re building a new house, and that’s a pretty big gift, so I don’t want much else.” I think you could have knocked me over with a feather!
Next stop? Build-A-Bear! A couple of weeks ago, Harley and Katelyn got to go there with one of their friends, so this time it was Reagan’s turn. She chose a giraffe, and the giraffe’s name is now Jessica. Jessica is the name of the daughter of our friends, Andrew and Geneva, and she is Reagan’s hero. After she stuffed the giraffe, she put in a blue star so it would have “hopes and dreams”, and a circle of love so it would always know how much she loves it, and an angel-bear so it would always have protection. After she put in the extras and it was all sewn up, she filled out the birth certificate herself.
That giraffe hasn’t left her side since we walked out of the store!
After Build-A-Bear, we just wandered around, looked at all the beautiful holiday decorations, and talked. A trip to Orange Julius for smoothies, and browsing around Claire’s were the highlight of the day. Reagan guided the day – we went where she wanted to go, we talked about what she wanted to talk about, and we laughed a lot!
We had a phenominal time together, and I am so glad we got to hang out.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”