We went to the mountains yesterday with the Timpy and Whitbeck families to get Christmas Trees. We had a total of 14 people (6 adults and 8 kiddos) and one dog, and we had a blast! It was so nice to spend the morning away from town just relaxing, enjoying good company, and having a grand adventure.
The quest for the perfect tree started with a couple different stops before we finally found the perfect tree-hunting spot, and then the search was on.
Lexi liked walking Tod.
The whole gang got in on the fun. In the “Kid” category (from left to right) we have Lexi being held by Jessica, Katelyn, Reagan holding Tod, Harley, Emma, AJ, and Cody. The “Responsible” Adults along for the adventure are Aaron, Me, Jason, Yvette, Geneva, and Andrew.
The Timpys with their tree (it’s about half cut off in this picture).
The Whitbecks
The TOD Family with Goliath.
I have named our tree Goliath because it is so HUGE! I knew we would be getting a large tree because we plan on putting it in our new home – I just didn’t realize exactly how HUGE it was until we got it cut down and tried to get it into the back of a pick up.
Here’s Aaron deep in the heart of it trying to cut Goliath down. Finally, Andrew came over and helped him by pushing on it and holding some of the branches out of the way.
AJ had the saw honors for the Timpy’s.
Did I mention that it was freezing up there? Not an ounce of snow in the mountains, but a little rain and bone chilling wind!
This is how we got Goliath from where we cut him down to where the rest of our pick-ups were parked. Aaron & I rode on the tailgate keeping it balanced and trying not to get knocked off.
Once we got down, we realized Goliath was NOT going to fit in the back of our pickup with our canopy, so we loaded Jason’s parent’s tree into the back of our pickup and Goliath rode home with Jason, Yvette, and Lexi.
After a quick but fun lunch at Custforth Park, we headed home.
Goliath has taken up temporary residence in a 5-gallon bucket of water until it’s time for him to move inside the house. Personally, I can’t wait!
The girls are all so excited about decorating such a big tree, and they are excited about being able to have our first Christmas in our new home. Getting the tree and preparing it to move inside helped them realize that moving day is coming very very soon!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”