Amazing stuff happening at the Tolar Dream Home. Click the links to the left to check it all out!
Do you know what the significance of these two pictures is? I know it looks like a bunch of laundry baskets full of crap. It’s not. It is so much more than that. These two pictures represent the first load of three it took in my Camry to empty the ENTIRE kitchen at our current house and MOVE it all to our new home. As of today, at 160 SE Tenth Street, there will be no more meals shared by the TOD Family. No more cooking, no more dishes, no more homework at the dining room table. None of that stuff will happen for our family at our old home anymore.
We will be moving the refrigerator Tuesday (its nice when the weather is this cold and we can keep food cool enough in the garage). We will also be moving the washer & dryer and mattresses Tuesday, as well – as of tomorrow night, we will no longer be sleeping in our old home, rather, we will be sleeping under the roof of our Dream Home! There is still work to be done, but we will just deal with it.
We have to be completely moved out of this house by the end of the month, but Aaron has to have surgery on his foot the 29th, so we’re pushing to be completely moved by the end of the day on the 28th. That way, I can spend the day of the 29th with him, and clean our old house on the 30th.
I cannot explain what a relief it is to have started the moving process, even though I absolutely hate moving. It’s a good thing we plan on living in this new home the rest of our lives because I REF– USE to move ever again! Just the simple act of moving the kitchen and putting stuff away at the new house has lifted such a worry and burden from my shoulders, its incredible!
Just in case I am unable to get Internet service again before Thursday, Merry Christmas and blessings to you and your families!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”