After the painting was completed, it was time to start installing “stuff”.
The Purswell Pump guys came back to install the pressure tank for our well. See it, it’s that tiny little blue ank on the wall of our Mechanical Room. It’s amazing to me that tiny little tank is able to supply our whole house with water. Exciting!
Every night after school, the girls ride the bus to the property and hang out there until its time to come home. They do their homework – sometimes with me, sometimes with Nana. This is their home now, and they usually don’t even consider riding the bus to the house we live in now.
Tom finished the plumbing for the kitchen sink so the cabinet could be installed. This is one of the pictures Reagan took for us, she told me she wanted to make sure to get “that pretty blue part” (pronounced pawht) in the picture. She loved watching him soldering.
Once the Great Room and Kitchen paint was finished, Tom and Dad started installing the kitchen cabinets while my mom, Yvette, and I painted the remaining rooms. It looks BEAUTIFUL! They still have the island to install, but what is there now looks great! I can’t wait for the rest of it to be done!
They installed all the lower cabinets first, and then they opened and put into place our wall-oven/microwave cabinet. Reagan helped them take it out of its box, and then she entertained herself by making stilts out of two of the corner pieces of cardboard. I love how she uses her imagination and can entertain herself. This was one of the times when the oder girls were at home and she was at the property. We never have to worry about her, she just kind of does her own thing until we need her help.
I really love the cabinets, they are so warm and inviting – I think they will look even more fabulous once the countertop and appliances are installed. We have knobs for them, as well – beautiful, brushed silver knobs.
We have ceiling fans in three rooms, the Great Room, Family Room, and the Master Bedroom. The fan in the Master Bedroom is my favorite – I love it!
My Dad, Aaron, and I had to go to Home Depot one evening, and Reagan was with us. I could tell she was getting antsy and bored, but I was just kind of letting her entertain herself. I pulled my camera out just in time to catch this picture. She was entertaining herself by walking to the end of the aisle we were on, running back towards us full speed, hitting the floor on her knees and sliding, the whole time, holding up her hands in the classic “rock on” pose, yelling “I’m a ROCKSTAR!” It was hilarious! Normally I would freak out when one of my kids was acting like this in public, but it was late and there was hadly any one in the store. Besides, like I said, it was hilarious!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”