A lot has been happening with The TOD Family over the past month or so. We have been running crazy from school activities to house construction to work and back again. It has been a crazy, crazy month, and at times I wasn’t sure we would make it through it all. Weeks and lots of lost sleep later, we’re here, and we’ve made it.
Emma’s volleyball team finished their season successfully, and now they have a little time to rest before basketball starts. At the end of the season, all the eighth grade girls wanted a picture together in the shape of a “1”, so me being me, I obliged. 🙂 They’re pretty awesome, great friends, and even better team-mates. I’m so happy I was able to be a part of their fan club.
Then comes Halloween celebrations. My friend, Jennifer, and her husband, Jeremy, moved to Hermiston from La Grande this past year, and they had a Halloween party. Katelyn was at her grandparents’ house, so she was not able to go with us. Harley, Reagan, and Emma did dress up, though. Emma was an 80’s girl and will probably be completely and utterly mad at me for posting these pictures, but hey, a mom’s gotta do what a mom’s gotta do. 🙂 Harley was dressed as Cleopatra, and Reagan WAS dressed as a witch, but once we got there she enjoyed combining costumes from the other kids at the party. We had a great time visiting with friends, and girls had a great time playing.
We managed to carve out a little time (sorry for the pun) to dig out some pumpkin guts and carve the girls’ pumpkins. They even took the time to carve a pumpkin for Papa to have at the camp trailer – it had a hammer carved out of it instead of a face, and it was awesome! Time for trick or treating came up and the girlies had a great time! I had to work because it was Homecoming at the school, so Aaron had the Trick-or-Treating duties all to himself. The girls had a great time, got lots of candy, and came home all jazzed up.
While the girlies were enjoying their night out with Aaron, and I was working, I did manage to get a little hug from another of my favorite girlies, Jason & Yvette’s daughter, Lexi.
So, here we are, at the end of October, alive and well and happy. We’re living life to its fullest, enjoying every minute of it! Our home construction is going really well, we’re cruising towards the finish line and THAT FEELS GREAT! We’re painting the interior, installing lights, outlets, switchplates, and today my dad and Tom dry-fit the kitchen cabinets. I’ll have an update for the Home Construction Blog soon, so keep your eyes open. For now, it’s time for a somewhat decent nights sleep.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”