When we eat at the property, we generally eat in the new house because the weather is getting cold and there isn’t enough room for all of us in my parent’s trailer. Unfortunately, the days are also getting shorter which means light doesn’t last very long. Lucky for us, the electrical work was completed far enough last Wednesday that we were able to turn on a couple lights and we enjoyed our first meal in the Dining Room. The girlies really thought it was cool, especially sitting under the working lights!
The rock retaining wall is almost done! We only have a few bricks left on the East end, and about 20 feet to go on the West end. Aaron can’t wait, he’s really tired of bricks!
Last week, we also passed our electrical inspection, and we have started insulating. We think we’ll be done with insulation by Wednesday evening or Thursday morning, and then the sheetrockers can have at it! Woo-hoo!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”