While the rest of our hunting group, for as I call us the “Lucky Weiner-Fish Hunt Club”, was off hunting all week, Jason and I had to come home and work all week. I caught a ride to camp with him Friday afternoon. I rode the bus from IHS to Heppner with the Junior High Volleyball team and watched Emma’s games. Jason was nice enough to pick me up there on our way to camp.
On our way – this was the view we had – one GORGEOUS sunset! It was breathtaking!
After a weekend of unsuccessful hunting, but lots of fun, the crew headed home. Tod has two special riding spots in the pickup. One is on the fold down arm rest in the back seat when the girlies aren’t with us, and the other (much to my dismay) is right in Aaron’s lap.
Here we are, the “LWFHC” – Rob, Josh, Shelby, Me, Aaron, and Jason.
And this is our caravan home – five pick-ups and four camp trailers.
Eleven more months until we get to do it all over again!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”