Did you know we’re opening a home improvement store? See, we’re already getting all our inventory in stock. We have inside light fixtures, outside light fixtures, ceiling vent fans, cabinet knobs, and fixtures. You’ll also see in the background we’re going to carry a York Heat Pump. We’re getting all geared up, and I think we’ll open in . . . .
. . . oh, what’s that you say? We’re NOT opening a home improvement store? These are for OUR house? All that? Holy moley, that’s a lot of STUFF! Yep, we’ve been doing a lot of shopping lately, and while it’s fun to pick everything out, it does tend to get very overwhelming! In the last week, we have picked out all the STUFF in the picture, plus the vanity and countertop for the girls’ bathroom, a kitchen sink faucet, and we placed the order for our bathroom vanity and countertop. Aaron & I actually have very similar taste, so picking stuff out has been pretty easy once we narrow down our options.
There has been a lot of work going on at the property, too, but the progress is not as obvious as it has been earlier in the summer because it’s all internal. It is nearly impossible to walk through walls any more because of the wiring Tom has installed. The girls’ bathtub/shower is completely plumbed in now, and all the HVAC ductwork is installed under the house. We also have an installed furnace, our shower is plumbed, and my bathtub is plumbed. All the drain plumbing is complete, and now my dad is getting ready to run the water supply lines.
Those red and blue coils below? Those are called PEX tubing, and they are going to be our water supply lines. They’re color coded for plumbing dummies like myself.
There’s Dad, concentrating hard trying to figure out exactly how my bathtub faucet goes together.
This is one MONSTROUS furnace. I’ll bet we never get cold in the winter!
Our shower and my bathtub. I can’t wait to use the tub – its a jacuzzi – we’ll really need it when we’re done with this project!
Sunday we worked AGAIN on the retaining walls. We hired Brandon, a boy from the high school, to come out and help us, and our friend, Dan, showed up as well. Both walls are almost done, with only the ends left to build. We’ll all breathe a HUGE sigh of relief when that part of the project is over. Quite frankly, IT SUCKS!
And, as always, our faithful doggies keep watch and make sure we’re doing it all right.
We’re just going to keep on truckin’ and we’ll be done before we know it!
Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”