Most Fridays I have to work, but usually its only for a couple of hours since there aren’t any students or teachers there. Today we had conferences, so it was an all-day thing for me. Unfortunately, that meant that I was unable to go to the Orthodontist with Harley & Katelyn, so Grandpa Mick took them (thank you again, so much!). Emma had an appointment at the same time, and Staci brought her over for it.
After Emma’s appointment, she called me to let me know how it went and to tell me when her next appointment was, or so I thought, anyway. It turns out that she’s done. They took her braces off today, and she was ecstatic! I managed to sneak away from work long enough to meet them in Umatilla on their way to Tri-Cities so I could have a look myself.
She looks AMAZING! I mean, I know I am biased and everything, but she really is beautiful, and I love seeing her smile.
Her teeth were pretty straight before she had braces, she had them to correct her bite. Now that it is corrected, she has a little bit of “cosmetic” work at the dentist as a follow-up to her orthodontia to fill in a couple spaces where her teeth are too small, and she will be completely done. It is so exciting to have her finishing this process (probably much more so for her), especially since we thought it was going to take much much longer than it did.
YAY! One daughter done, one part-way done, two to go!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”