Aaron & I have had such a quiet weekend, it’s been odd, but nice. Harley, Reagan, and Katelyn went to their other parents’ homes at the end of the week, so we were alone most of the weekend. Boy do we have a quiet house. Eerie almost. 🙂
For some reason this year we had procrastinated our Christmas shopping, and started it Friday. I spent some time Saturday finishing up my gift for Aaron, and we were done. I am SO proud of us for sticking with our budget this year. In years’ past when we shopped closer to Christmas, we always went way over what we originally wanted to spend. This year we went armed with a list, a budget, and sheer determination, and we got it done. Our girls are so blessed to have a huge family, but I think at times the gifts get to be a little overwhelming for them and they lose sight of how truly fortunate they are. Its nice to see that even our tree seems to be not so overwhelmed with gifts this year.
We were supposed to get all the girls back tomorrow morning, but we ended up with the three youngest today, and we’ll get Emma tomorrow morning. Because of that, we had planned on not opening any gifts until all the girls were here with us. However, we had a HUGE box under the tree to both of us from my parents, and we were both so curious we decided one on Christmas Day would be okay – plus it would give extra room in the living room. We’re talkin’ HUMONGOUS box! At any rate, we have been completely stumped as to what they could have gotten the two of us as a joint present (frankly, I was a little worried, sorry Mom & Dad). We opened the box and we love our gift! It is this lovely Firepit.
Since we archery hunt, a lot of the first part of our season we’re not allowed to have campfires because of the fire danger. This firepit will enable us to have them whenever we want because we can take it to hunting camp with us. We can even roast marshmallows out on our back patio now without the Fire Department paying us a visit. The girls are going to love it, too! It has a detachable cooking rack, as well, so we could really have a feast – mmmmm grilled corn on the cob & steak.
The three of our lovely ladies who came home today were able to go to Grandpa & Grandma’s with us for a very nice visit and dinner. They played really well with each other and cousin Brooke all afternoon. Even Tank the dog got into the festivities – and I mean into them! He tends to lay down right in the middle of the action, and of course right where everyone needs to step.
These girls have been so wonderful about waiting for Emma to celebrate Christmas here. We didn’t here a single complaint about wanting to see what’s under the tree or opening the gifts. They are just going with the flow. We have GREAT girls!
Tonight, three very worn out girlies and two worn out parents hung around in sweats and jammies, ate finger foods for dinner, and watched a couple Christmas programs on TV. Personally, the only way to make our day any better would have been to have had Emma here, too. It was prefect, otherwise.
It is so nice having most of our girlies back – we sure do miss them when they’re gone! We can’t wait to see Emma tomorrow, and after we finally celebrate Christmas here, we’re off to my parents’ house in Cove for a few days.
Merry Christmas to everyone!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”