We had a great, crazy weekend! We only had Emma at home, Harley & Reagan were at their grandma’s house in Heppner, and Katelyn went camping with her friend. It was kind of weird with only Emma here because that NEVER happens!
The three of us went camping Friday and came home Saturday afternoon for a wedding reception for one of Aaron’s friends from high school. We were taking our camp trailer to the mountains to leave it to get ready for archery season, and we didn’t get out of here untl 9:30 Friday night. When we finally rolled into our camping spot, we just jumped in the trailer and went straight to bed.
I love that Emma is such a nature girl! She was a complete trooper hiking all over the woods with the “crazy” bow hunters doing some scouting. We had a great time! It was awesome having Emma to ourselves without the other girls one last time before she moves to her dad’s house for the school year. We really enjoyed our time alone with her.
I couldn’t get her to stop being goofy, so I had to tickle her! I even have a picture of her “pretending” to pick her nose!
And, of course, you can’t have a trip to the mountains without at least one nature shot.
Aaron’s friend from high school, Marco, got married recently, and the reception was held Saturday in Boardman at Marco’s parents’ house. Aaron’s good friend, Tim, flew in from Hawaii for the reception, and it was really great to see both of them! In the picture below are Time, Marco, Jason, and Aaron.
I absolutely LOVE these two pictures of us! I really wish the sunset one had been in focus because the sunset Saturday night was just SO stunning, but they are both great! It’s so rare to get a picture of the two of us together because one of us is always BEHIND the camera! We have Emma to thank for these two lovely pictures.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”