Our trip to Disneyland was completely unforgettable! We walked what seems like 1,000 miles and wore ourselves out, but we had a wonderful time doing it! Reagan even kept up with all the big people, never complaining once, and we never had to slow down for her. It was amazing!
I am so thrilled the girls are going to have such wonderful memories when they get older. They will remember going to Disneyland with the coolest Nana & Papa around. They will remember that Harley’s comment, “Nana, grandmas aren’t supposed to like roller coasters, you’re not normal.” brought on fits of laughter from all the adults. They will remember laughing, playing, riding the rides, and spending time together. They will remember their adventure, and they will be thankful for the memories they made.
Between Aaron & I, we have over 500 pictures, so I’m only going to post a couple. I may add more as the week/month goes by, we’ll see.

And what would pictures from me be without the details? The details everywhere we went were so incredible!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”