This image I took on top of Cabbage Hill one day when it was partially cloudy on top, but foggy down in the valley below. I can’t decide which version I like the best, black & white, color, or sepia.
Today, Katelyn and I took a drive to the refuge, fish hatchery, and nature trails today to give Aaron time to study for another State Certification. We saw four bald eagles, two red-tailed hawks, does, mallards, a heron, fish, and a REALLY weird duck-like bird that I’ve never seen before. We had a great time, and I can’t wait until we can do it again!
This is the strange duck-like bird we saw (Dad, if you’re reading this, please tell me what this bird is, besides UGLY!).

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”