today, and I didn’t take a single picture!
The girls and I went to the Pendleton Aquatic Center with my friend, Janet, her two boys, and three additional “kid” friends. The kids all know each other from when Janet babysat them. We had a blast, and like I said, I hauled my camera there, took it into the pool, and didn’t even get it out of the bag. I’m proud of myself. I just spent the day enjoying my girls and having a great visit with a friend I don’t get to see often enough.
Since I didn’t take any pictures, and I seem to have this burning desire to post a couple, I’m posting these two from the Bar-M. Katelyn was gone for the whole beginning of the summer, so I haven’t had the opportunity to get as many pictures of her as I have the other girls. I really like this *goofy* look she’s giving me here. And the picture of Reagan ~ tuckered out after a long day of playing, swimming, riding her bike, and being a superhero!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”