about summer . . . is camping! I love to be in the mountains, just enjoying myself, relaxing, reading, fishing, hiking, whatever. It doesn’t matter. I just LOVE it, and our girls love it.
Aaron and I had a weekend without any girls (shocking, I know) this past weekend, and we went camping with Jason & Yvette and Andrew & Geneva. Jason & Yvette brought Lexi (10 months), and Andrew & Geneva had AJ and his cousin Ryan. We just spent the weekend relaxing and having fun with good friends!
On the way to the mountains Friday evening, Aaron & I ran into a herd of about 150-200 elk, it was AWESOME! The herd was mostly cows, but we did see a few spikes, maybe forked-horns. They just sat and ate away while we watched. How cool! We also saw this little forked-horn buck with about five little girlfriends.
On Saturday, Aaron, Jason, Andrew & I took AJ & Ryan on a hike up into a couple meadows, then up to Olive Lake for some fishing. The boys (I mean ALL the boys, even the tall ones) quickly became bored with fishing and were more interested in catching crawdads. Couldn’t be that they were frustrated I was catching all the fish, could it?
One thing we had neglected to do in all our adventures Saturday was getting some wood for the fire, so Jason, Aaron, & I went to find some. We hit PAY DIRT! We managed to find a lot of wood, but the king of all logs was the ONLY one we used all weekend. It was about 4′ long and (had it been whole) 2′ in diameter. Luckily, it had been hollowed out with one fire already. When we got back to camp, we just backed right up to the fire & dumped it on. The picture really doesn’t do it justice, but it was HUGE! Our fire pit is about 5′ in diameter and it was edging out each side.
Sunday morning Aaron, Jason, Andrew, & I hiked into a different meadow to retrieve Jason’s game camera he had left up there two weeks before that. When we got back to camp, we looked at the pictures ~ over 100 pictures of elk feeding in the meadow he had his camera in. Several of the cows had brand new babies with them, too. It was great getting to see that.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”