Sweet Girl

Reagan has been having issues lately.  We haven’t been able to figure out what’s going on with her, and why her behavior has changed so much, so for now, we’re chalking it up to “growing pains”.  She’s just kind of been a little stinker.  Not listening at school, not listening at home, and tormenting her brothers and sisters.

When I got off work Friday, I found this note on the counter.  She had made it for her sisters that morning.  She really does know how to spell “girls”, she was just in a bit of a hurry.

This is the inside.  In case you can’t read it, it says, “You are my sisters.  I can be painful alot but I love you and that is alot true!”

It’s one I will file away to give her when she’s older and has forgotten about it.  It is such a sweet note, and it makes me happy to know that she realizes what a turkey she’s been lately.  There is hope . . .  🙂